Sometimes when searching for a wholesale resource for our dojo, we must supply proof that you are a business BEFORE you can even look around and see prices. Not with Zengu. Zengu allows you to see everything up front. There are no surprises, and no having to jump through hoops just to see if you want to shop with them. Shop all you want, place items in your cart, fool around with shipping option and when you are satisfied, fax in your proof of business.
I think one of the best features of Zengu is the "wall". The wall at the bottom of every product page. The wall is where club owners come together to help each other out. On the wall you write a review and share your opinion. You can ask a question, or even answer one from another member. Share photos and videos of the products in use.I know it is a newer site and there aren't many product reviews yet, but wait until it gets going. Meanwhile, click the link and you can easily look at the reviews of the product from other web sites.
There are other nifty tools to use and all can be found on the front page after logging in. You can easily track you recent orders as they are neatly listed for you. You can make a list of things you are interested in for tournaments, or even stocking your shelves. You can make notes on any product and those notes are displayed on the front page as well.
There are many more features to explore. Check out the list of introductory videos to help you get the most out of Zengu.
I think Zengu will become a leader in wholesale to club owners. Not only do they offer very competitive prices, but also they are installing a community, where we can help each other to succeed. "Like" or "follow" them for great hints and tips for running a dojo.