First things first. Happy Birthday Mas Oyama! He is the founder of kyokushin and would have been 87 today.
I think that being laid up has effected my moods. I have been feeling lots of blues lately. I just don't want to do things, even things I like to do and usually look forward to. Of course the blues in my case can be attributed to lots of reasons. The dojo is the place where I can leave all the worries at the door, and when I pick them up at the end of class, they don't seem to be as heavy. I have missed that.
So, tonight I went to the dojo for the first time in weeks. It was kata class, which is generally an easier class, physically. I showed up a bit late, hearing Michelle doing kihon. At first I wasn't sure if it was Michelle, but then I heard her signature giggle. It is infectious. Whenever she gets nervous or she messes up something, she starts to giggle. Make me smile to hear it. I had missed the strikes, blocks and half of the kicks. I jumped in during yoko geri (side kicks).