I barly made it in. I feel out of place, like I know I won't belong. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, just to say that I tried. I am going to get all
and I am going to hate it but I need to be able to say I tried. Deep breath, and let's get in there.
The waiting room is tiny. Several parents are chatting away about their kid's school, their kid's teachers, their kid's homework, well just their kids. They all seem to know each other very well from what I can gather from the kind of conversations they are having. No one asked me what I wanted there, so I figured that none of them work here.
On the other side if the large glass windows

is a large room with blue and
red mats
all over the floor. The kids are being lined up at one end of the room and are being sent to the other end to kick a pad and run back in line. Whenever they goof off, a large man with a very large beard makes them do push-ups. He has this very deep voice. He seems very serious and I wasn't getting that warm friendly vibe from him at all.